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FAQs & Answers

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Lawn Care FAQs

Can I switch my lawn care package at any time?
Yes! You can switch your package at any time. However, it is recommended to stay with your program for a year to achieve best results. You can also upgrade services such as aerations and overseeding mid-season.
When does my yard need to be fertilized?
Ideally, you should “spoon-feed” your lawn throughout the year every 4-6 weeks. Different times of the year require different amounts of fertilizer. Those amounts are taken into consideration with our lawn programs.
Do you provide more traditional lawn services like mowing or trimming?
At this time, we only offer mowing services to customers who purchase lawn care packages.
Why is aeration important to my yard?
Aeration is one of the most important practices in lawn care. The main goal with aeration is to relieve soil compaction. This allows for better, healthier root development which is the foundation of a healthy lawn. Another benefit of an aerated lawn is it will be easier for the soil to absorb rain and moisture, allowing the lawn to endure drought-like conditions easier. A good rule of thumb is one aeration service a year is maintaining, while 2 aeration services a year is improving soil conditions.
How should I decide on core or liquid aeration?
The decision between core and liquid aeration is decided by convenience. A liquid aeration is a great service for anyone who has an invisible dog fence or an irrigation system. It is a liquid applied application that as it soaks through the soil, it separates minerals and elements that are tied to the soil, creating micro-tears in the soil. This results in deeper root penetration, allowing the lawn to receive nutrients that were once unavailable. We recommended receiving a liquid aeration treatment in the spring, and then an aeration-overseeding in the fall, which is done as a core aeration.
When is the best time to have my lawn seeded?
According to Purdue University’s Turfgrass Science Department, the optimum time to seed a lawn is between August 15 and September 15—late summer through early Fall.
Do you provide lawn care year-round?
Our lawn care services start in the beginning of March and go through November.
Do you provide service to areas outside of Lafayette, Indiana?
Yes! Shades of Green Lawn & Landscape Inc. provides service to Kokomo, Monticello, Attica, Williamsport, Rossville, Mulberry, Delphi and North Indianapolis.
Why does Shades of Green only seed in the fall?
Seeding in the spring is a bit of a gamble on the results of said seeding. Most seeds will start to germinate and mature during the springtime when temperatures are mild and moisture is ample. The issue is when summertime temperatures and drought hit. Most seedlings during this time still do not have mature root systems, and unless you are able to water very consistently, the odds of survival for this newly maturing grass are very slim. There is also a lot more weed and disease pressure during these times of year, which can easily take out a new patch of grass. The fall time is better for seeding, as there are lower temperatures, and more moisture. Seedlings that have time to grow roots and mature before preparing for winter dormancy, and are already established come spring time are able to better survive the summer. There is also less weed competition as their growth is slowing down during this time. Most weeds are able to outgrow and outcompete most turf during its establishment period, so taking advantage of this slower weed growth season is very beneficial.
Do you allow skipped applications?
Our comprehensive program is meticulously designed to ensure the highest quality and standards for your lawn’s health and appearance. Each application within our program plays a crucial role in achieving the desired results, and omitting any part could compromise the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, to maintain our commitment to excellence and guarantee the best possible outcomes, we require all customers to receive the full program. This approach ensures that we consistently deliver the exceptional results our customers expect and our reputation is built upon.
When can I mow the lawn after applications?
We generally ask that you wait 24-48 hours before mowing the lawn after an application.
How long should I stay off the lawn after an application?
If a liquid application was applied, we ask that you stay off the lawn until it is dry to the touch. This is usually about 1-2 hours.
Do you treat in landscape beds?
We do not have the license that is required to be able to treat in landscape beds.
How often do you come?
Most services are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart from each other. There are some circumstances that might make this change.
How long before I see results?
We ask that you give us a year to really transform your lawn. You will start to see results after the first couple of applications but it will take a full season to see the complete results.

Pest Control FAQs

Are your pest control measures pet-friendly?
Of course! The chemicals used to control pests are totally harmless to traditional pets, such as cats and dogs. The pest control chemical is known as a neonicotinoid, which targets a neurological pathway only found in insects.
How do you exterminate fleas and ticks?
We spray the entire lawn with an insecticide, which is a liquid application that gives wall-to-wall control. It is safe for pets, and there is 0% chance of harm once the lawn is dry.
Does Perimeter Pest Control keep all bugs out of my yard?
Perimeter Pest Control is actually a service that keeps bugs out of your home. We spray a barrier three feet up on the house and three feet away from the foundation. This keeps new insects from coming into the home, however, if there are existing bugs in the home, it won’t eliminate them.
Do you provide service to areas outside of Lafayette, Indiana?
Yes! Shades of Green Lawn & Landscape Inc. provides service to Kokomo, Monticello, Attica, Williamsport, Rossville, Mulberry, and North Indianapolis.
Do I need to be home?
You do not need to be home when we apply these applications. We will leave a flag in the lawn letting you know a service was performed.
How many times in a season do you do pest control treatments?
We treat five times a season starting in mid-April. 

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