Caring for Trees & Shrubs in Winter

Six Tips for the Season

It’s officially winter! Or as plants like to call it, dormant season! While this is the time of year when plant growth slows, they still need attention, especially when there’s a storm in the forecast. Use these winter tree and shrub care tips to help ensure your plants make it through the season ready to thrive in the spring.

Winter Tree & Shrub Care Tips

Proper tree and shrub care is essential all year long, even during the during winter season. With the right attention, plants are more equipped to withstand the challenges of winter and bounce back vibrantly in the spring. Here’s how to give trees and shrubs the care they deserve.

  1. Mulch. Tuck in the roots for winter with a warm blanket of mulch. With the ground consistently freezing and thawing, soil is more likely to become compact. However, a few inches of mulch around the base of your tree and throughout your garden can help insulate and regulate soil temperature and moisture levels.
  2. Hydrate. Plants don’t need as much water this time of year, but they still needs some. Monitor soil moisture throughout the season and provide adequate water when necessary.
  3. Prune. Tis the season for tree pruning! Remove dead or damaged branches first. Now that your tree is dormant, you can also help reshape the structure by removing crisscrossing branches and overgrown areas. Try not to remove more than a third of the weight. The idea is to thin out the branches to allow air and light to filter through.
  4. Remove snow and ice. Heavy snow and ice can weigh down branches, leading to breakage. Gently remove snow with a broom. Allow ice to melt instead of trying to break it off. Remember that chemicals in deicing salts can harm tree roots and soil. If you need to treat ice anywhere close to a tree, use an alternative method such as sand or litter.
  5. Protect. Between scalding sun reflected off white snow, icy branches, and hungry wildlife, there’s a lot of harsh conditions for your trees and shrubs. Help protect your plants prone to damage with tree wraps and/or barriers. A wrap can also help prevent snow and ice from breaking off branches.
  6. Inspect. Since all the leaves are gone, you get a clear at your tree and some shrubs. Now’s the time to inspect it for signs of disease, pests, or structural issues. Treat any problems you find before it spreads or the leaves grow back and makes it less noticeable.

Professional Lawn Care

Even though there’s not a lot of growing going on, there’s still maintenance tasks to do this season. For assistance with caring for your trees and shrubs, contact Shades of Green Lawn & Landscape. Our lawn care specialists can help support your trees and shrubs throughout the winter. That way you can enjoy the season and provide your plants with the expert care they need.