What Attracts Japanese Beetles & Grubs

7 Control Methods to Try

signs of a Japanese beetle infestation

You may have noticed the skeletonized leaves of certain plants or the recognizable pest itself, but you may not know exactly what attracts Japanese beetles to your yard and how to control them. Until now.

What Attracts Japanese Beetles & Grubs

Japanese beetles are common pests that start as grubs who feed on your grass and grow to destroy plants around your garden. So, if you’ve had a grub problem in your yard, and it’s left dead patches around the area, you’re more likely to have a beetle problem as well. Here’s what grubs love about your lawn:

  • Moist soil
  • Thatch
  • Thick grass

Once grubs grow into beetles, they’ll stick around the area if there’s an abundance of their favorite foods:

  • Roses
  • Fruit trees
  • Bean plants
  • Ornamental shrubs
  • Fragrant flowers

Japanese beetles are more active in the summer since they prefer the warm, sunny weather. This encourages mating behaviors, and guess where they’ll lay their eggs? Right back in the moist soil, so the process continues unless you act.

Grub and Beetle Control

The first line of defense from Japanese beetles is controlling the grub population in your yard.

  • Aerate to help improve drainage
  • Don’t overwater
  • Remove thatch

If you’re still dealing with beetles in the summer, there are a few ways to control the population without tearing up your—and their—favorite plants.

  • Hand-Pick. Manually remove beetles in the early morning when they are less active. Drop them into a bucket of soapy water to kill them.
  • Traps. Most traps use pheromones to attract beetles, which means more may show up. Place traps far away from plants you want to protect.
  • Shield plants. Use fine mesh netting or floating covers to protect plants during peak beetle activity.
  • Insecticides. Be sure to use products specially formulated for Japanese beetle control.

It may take a combination of these methods to effectively control Japanese beetles. Once you’ve tried to prevent grubs, monitor your lawn and garden for beetle activity, and used targeted treatment, there’s one more method to try.

Contact Shades of Green Lawn & Landscape

Our lawncare experts understand what attracts grubs and Japanese beetles and can help plan preventative treatments to protect your grass and plants. Call 765-771-9998 for a consultation and to discuss treatment options today.